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Forward Head Posture FIX Program Discount & Full Review

Forward Head Posture FIXHello friend and thanks for visiting our page about the Forward Head Posture FIX program by Mike Westerdal.

In case you’ve discovered this page when looking for a comprehensive review that describes the benefits and drawbacks of Mike Westerdal’s system and the main things that you can expect to get when purchasing it, then you may want to check our review below.

On the other hand, if you landed here while searching for discounts or deals for this popular program, then here is exactly how you can try the Forward Head Posture FIX at a special reduced price, right from the official site:

1. Check Out This Link

2. Close the text sales page you will see. After you do that, you will see a pop-up box. Simply choose the option “stay on this page” .

3. You should now notice a special offer which will allow you to get immediate access to the digital edition of the Forward Head Posture FIX program and to try it for 14 days at a special reduced price 🙂

Forward Head Posture FIX Review


About The Authors

The Forward Head Posture FIX program is conceptualized and written by a national best-selling author named Mike Westerdal. Mike specializes in sports nutrition and has worked as a personal trainer for many years. He is also a known contributor to the health and fitness magazine Iron Man and the creator of the famous CriticalBench website.

Alongside Mike, is Rick Kaselj MS, a leading kinesiologist and an injury specialist. Together they come up with a user-friendly program to improve poor posture and eliminate a forward head posture using only 10 simple activities…

The Basics Of The Forward Head Posture FIX Program

In simple words, “Forward Head Posture FIX” is a long term solution to eliminating the root cause of the dreadful forward head posture. It also discusses the possible complications associated with texting neck posture and how we can avoid them.

The movements presented in the program are designed to improve the neck and whole body strength, and they were based on the research and study of the muscle known as sternocleidomastoid, which was proven to be an essential muscle that holds the head in its place and aids in the improvement of overall posture.
Generally, the program is composed of three parts:

1. Learning The Basics

The first part is basically a Coaching Instructional Video which explains what the following exercises are designed for, how to properly perform them using the best formations and what is to expect throughout the activities.

2. Follow Along Instructions

This section provides a step by step “movement guide” which you can follow along at the same time. It would help you practice the movements with the correct formations leading to more favorable results.

3. Gradual Modifications

In the third part, you will encounter exercise swaps with corresponding progressions and regressions to modify the movements depending on your physical requirements. The movements may become harder or simpler based on your personal capability and the result of the preceding movements.

It is important to say that the unique sequence program provided by Rick Kaselj goes far beyond obtaining a better posture. Movements presented in the Forward Head Posture FIX program result in fewer back pains and create a healthier looking body inside and out. It enhances memory and concentration, reduce headaches, eliminate digestion problems, increase blood flow to the brain, improve lung capacity and slow down the aging process.

The Forward Head Posture FIX package includes the main manual, video tutorials and two more bonuses called“10 Best Natural Sleep Solutions” and “Lower Back Pain Lifestyle Audit”. These bonus guides help maintain proper posture and prevent long-term health problems…


Potential Advantages


Well Researched

The Forward Head Posture FIX program has been studied and well researched to ensure the effectiveness of each activity. It is focused on the ability of the sternocleidomastoid muscle to hold and maintain a balanced head and prevent a texting neck syndrome.

Time Saving Sequential Flow

The combination of movements that Rick Kaselj and Mike Westerdal teach takes less than 15 minutes per day, which can be convenient for busy people who are always on the go. This can be done during short breaks in the office or while resting at home. Moreover, you are only required to perform the activities at least three times a week for a period of six weeks to obtain the best results.

No Need For Special Equipment

All the activities presented in the Forward Head Posture FIX program do not require any special equipment. They are stand alone exercises which can be done while standing or sitting. Exercise swaps are also available to help you modify the routines depending on what you need.

60-Day Risk-Free Guarantee

If you did not feel stronger or taller within 60 days of following the program, then you are entitled to get a full refund. This means that it is 100% risk-free and you can always get your money back if the program does not seem to work for your own good.

Physical Edition Is Also Available

You have the option to choose from a digital download and a physical copy of the Forward Head Posture FIX program. By choosing the physical version, you will get the actual book along with the DVD of the exercises, directly to your home.

Considering that many other fitness programs online these days are available only in digital copy, we believe that this can be an important advantage for people who don’t like downloadable products…


Potential Disadvantages


Program Limitations

The Forward Head Posture FIX program may not work for people who suffer from a permanent neck, head and shoulder injury. These can sometimes be irreversible and needs serious medical attention. This program is best used as a preventive measure or as a cure to an early onset of a texting head syndrome.

No In-store Location

The product can only be purchased online and the physical products are not available in any bookstore.

The Physical Edition Costs Two Times More

It is also important to mention that the Forward Head Posture FIX Physical Collection costs two times more when compared to the digital version…



In general, Forward Head Posture FIX is a simple yet effective way to improve your overall posture and eliminate the progression of texting head syndrome. The program appears to work efficiently for most people who have already tried it, and it seems that the only thing you need for it to be effective is your determination and strict compliance to the step by step directions by Mike Westerdal and Rick Kaselj.

We also believe that the risk-free guarantee indicates that the creators of this product are confident that the program would make a total difference from what you used to be on Day 1.

Overall, with nothing to lose, it can be a good idea to start following the Forward Head Posture FIX system early because you’ll never know when it will be too late to reverse a forward head posture…


Forward Head Posture FIX Discount And Ratings


What We Thought
Forward Head Posture FIX
  • Content Quality
  • Easy To Follow
  • Uniqueness
  • After Sale Support
  • Value For Money
The normal price tag of the digital edition of the Forward Head Posture FIX program by Mike Westerdal is $19. However, by following all of these steps, you can try this system at a lowered price:

1. Visit the link at the end of this post.

2. Close the sales page you’ll notice. After you do that, you will see a pop-up box. Simply choose the option to stay on the page.

3. You should now notice a special page that will allow you to get instant access to the Forward Head Posture FIX program and to try it risk-free, at a great reduced price…

We hope that this post was useful for. Thank you for your visit and take care 🙂

What We Thought
Forward Head Posture FIX
  • Content Quality
  • Easy To Follow
  • Uniqueness
  • After Sale Support
  • Value For Money

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